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Does logging cause deforestation?

Deforestation is the permanent removal of tree cover so the land can be used for other purposes.  Harvesting does not cause deforestation since the trees will eventually grow back.  By law, all harvested areas on public land must be reforested.  This is done either by replanting or natural regeneration.  

Do we replant in Newfoundland and Labrador?

On average, the Province plants about 6 million seedlings a year.  However, Newfoundland's forests consist mainly of balsam fir, which is seldom replanted because of its ability to self seed and regenerate naturally.  Depending on site conditions and species mix, balsam fir stands are often converted to other forest types. 

Is clearcutting necessary?

In Newfoundland and Labrador, clearcuts are relatively small compared to other regions. Due to our fragmented landscape, they rarely fall into the category of a true clearcut.  Clearcutting is the most efficient and economical harvesting method available to companies, and it provides many ecological advantages over other methods. By entering an area only once, a company can minimize the effect harvesting equipment has on soil disturbance.  Cutting can also help regenerate species that are unable to thrive in a mature forest.  Although harvesting can disturb animal habitat for some species, it can also create favourable habitat for others.  However, the biggest advantage is that clearcutting mimics natural disturbances like wildfire, thereby helping keep forests young and healthy.

Who determines how much a company can cut each year?

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the Province determines what's known as the annual allowable cut.  That is, the volume of timber that can be harvested on a sustainable basis each year.  

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